To Accept:
I have to admit that accepting things can sometimes be hard for me. Whether it's because of my own actions, or you know, life, I try to deflect and dodge that acceptance. Maybe there's another way, or I can change the trajectory?
But what I've slowly learned is that even if you can't control what comes your way, you can control how you react to the situation. And that is something I find invaluable.
To Contemplate:
The grass is always greener on the other side…a common phrase I always heard growing up. And you know? I did that. I always contemplated what it was like for the other “side”. How amazing their life seemed to be.
But I’m sure the man who lies in hot sand craves to be in the water. The man in the water, wet and pruny, probably desires the warm, dry sand. And that's how perception works! Especially now with social media being a happiness competition…but we simply don't know the full picture.
So if I could write a note to my former self, it would be to stop wondering about others’ lives, and simply improve your own.
To Escape:
To Protect: